Project Management

Project Management

Newly constructed or renovated space is exciting and positive…when it is completed. But getting there can be time-consuming, frustrating and challenging. To ensure a smooth process and minimize negatives, tenants should always have a Project Manager on their side and, ideally, that Project Manager should work closely with the brokerage advisory team. There are countless details to coordinate – namely: design, pricing, permitting, construction, furniture, wiring, and move-in – and a hiccup in one aspect often affects the entire project.

Having a Project Manager who only represents tenants is important; there are countless details and dollars to be scrutinized and negotiated with a landlord, even after the lease is signed! Many landlord-centric firms provide project management services, and will often tread lightly or concede to the landlord when a ‘gray area’ comes up, in light of the broader business opportunities available with the landlord … the Clarefield Project Managers solely focused on the current client and transaction at hand.

Negotiating great business terms is only half the battle; getting from a signed lease to an occupiable space is another chasm to cross.

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